Sunday, June 24, 2007

Day 43

Nikki and I went for a great walk today up the Charles in Waltham. This picture is the fish ladder at the dam by Moody Street. We stopped at the midpoint of our walk and did a little shopping and got some "frappes" (milkshakes to the rest of the country). I bought a pinhole camera, which I spent several hours assembling this afternoon. I haven't seen that much Elmer's Glue since grade school. Hopefully, I'll take a few blogworthy pictures with it soon. I still need rubber bands to hold the whole thing together.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.
